Breaking patterns


Having a close look at the choices you make, results in finding a lot of patterns in your life, private as well as professional. It’s like a circle that just keeps on flowing. It might be a loop in which your business always used to work, but it might also be you recognize a pattern in the choices you’ve learned to make since childhood. It’s a challenge to spot them and change them if they’re not serving you anymore.

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Too much. Do you recognize that? When you’re head is running overtime, you have so much work to do, the kids have holidays and you feel guilty for leaving them with the babysit (who truly is an angel but still), you want to see friends, do your sports and the pile of wash is rising like the sun although not that bright…Well, it’s one of those days. So the only thing I can do then is to create space. And thus I did. I cancelled diner with a good friend tonight of whom I really want to hear her stories, but when my head is full, I can’t offer her the attention she deserves, so it will not have the result we both want it to have.

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