
I bet you have a lot of them too: deadlines. Those moments where you feel like your work is doubled by the time the deadline comes closer. There are deadlines at work and deadlines in private life, deadlines you choose for, deadlines that are just a given. Sometimes it is about helping someone out as you’ve promised them, the next time it is this huge project deadline, or presentation you have to give. You are working and pushing hard to meet the deadline and most of the times you do…

Continue reading “Deadlines”



As I was writing this, we were at a lake in Stowe, Vermont. A beautiful lake, surrounded by mountains, of which we climbed one the day before, Mount Mansfield. Coming down our path, we passed two men, one who already went up, one who was about to. We heard the man coming down tell the other not to go, if he wanted to find what he was here for: “There is a bunch of people up there and a lot of different energies, so you’d better go up there to find ‘it'”, while pointing to another mountain top. And so we saw the man hiking the other trail a few minutes later.
Continue reading “Expectations”


Source: Jana Kingsford –

Life is better in flip flops, they say. Now is it? Holidays are coming, all the kids are done with school. Hard working people are looking forward to spend time with their families, ready for ‘doing nothing’. So there it is. Is ‘doing nothing’ equal to ‘life is better in flip flops’? It seems like whenever I’m wearing flip flops, I don’t have to watch my act, I can be half asleep. Is that it? It would mean people want to flee from whatever is happening in their normal daily life.

It seems like we’ve lost balance. I’m shocked about what is happening with people around me in their jobs and the way their managers (are forced to) act. Of course we all have challenges once in a while, deadlines, presentations, out-of-your-comfort-zone assignments. They make you grow, learn things. But lately I see more and more people with a burn out sitting at home, as their managers put this shit load of work on their shoulders. Even though they’ve told them (which is quite a big step!) they can’t handle it anymore, there seems to be no limit. Continue reading “Holidays”



Too much. Do you recognize that? When you’re head is running overtime, you have so much work to do, the kids have holidays and you feel guilty for leaving them with the babysit (who truly is an angel but still), you want to see friends, do your sports and the pile of wash is rising like the sun although not that bright…Well, it’s one of those days. So the only thing I can do then is to create space. And thus I did. I cancelled diner with a good friend tonight of whom I really want to hear her stories, but when my head is full, I can’t offer her the attention she deserves, so it will not have the result we both want it to have.

Continue reading “Patterns”

An energy driven world


Do you know your purpose, or goal in life? It’s funny that when you look around, every animal, from insects to whales and lions seem to be serving a specific purpose. Well, except for mosquitos, I never understood what that little creature is here for but to annoy us, does anybody know?

Now I wrote about this before, asking your life what it needs from you. But do we truly realize we are here for a reason? Not just to extract the world from it’s resources, but also give something back? We have this enormous gift to bring. It’s called love. In the essence, that is what and who we are. Energy called love. We just lost track, some people not, some people a little and some people completely. It’s horrible what’s happening in the world these days. Just opening the paper or any news page and we see people killing other ones. And the worst of it all is that we can’t find a way to get through to these lost people.

Continue reading “An energy driven world”