How to bring head and heart together

Walking each other homeWe live in challenging times. Turning on the television makes the vibe in the room change completely. The world outside is rumbling and when the world is rumbling, it rumbles on all levels. In our work, in our families and in our private life. Nobody can escape the change in vibes. Some experience it more powerful than others, and still it happens on every level in our society. To me this is a huge invitation. An invitation to stay close to my heart, as only my heart can show me the true way.

When my heart shows me the way, I use my head to manifest what my heart wants me to do. Without my head, I wouldn’t be able to be in time at appointments, have them prepared, or do what my agenda is asking me to do. I need my head. And at the same time my head shows me how the world works on its’ rumbling outside. Because it is the place that feels spoken to most of the time. When someone gives me an opinion about something I choose to do, my head feels rejected. When I notice this rejection living inside of me, I visit my point of stillness and ask my heart if it is true. There is always an answer there. A loving answer, that makes me embrace the situation and the fact that something has shown itself to me. Giving me the opportunity to work with it.

My head reflects what is happening in our outside world. And in our inside world, our hearts, all bond together, there is nothing but love. Make sure you visit your point of stillness often, so you will be able to know what lives inside your heart and in all of us. As our hearts are all connected. It is what bonds us. Take care of your heart. As this makes you bring to the world what is yours to do. And I wouldn’t want to miss that.

Would you like some help in finding your point of stillness? Alan Seale has a wonderful tool in which he helps you find yours. Feel free to use it!

Thinking with your own mind, sensing with your own heart

About Boundaries & Ferocious love

Ferocious love. An incredibly powerful word that spoke to me the first time I heard about it. Is it possible to love ferociously? It means loving with the utmost power, in the most powerful way possible. Brene Brown shares it in this video in a beautiful way. And with that comes setting boundaries for what is ok and what is not. What you do and do not allow people to do. Be compassionate with people where they are, where they come from AND put boundaries to what is and is not ok. To lead them in love. Boundaries are rooted in love. Boundaries create respect AND boundaries are loving.

Loving ferociously is not about smothering someone in your love. It is about setting people free, making them find their own way in life. Standing next to someone and walk beside them in hard or dark times, without judgement. Touching people who are not supposed to be touched. Asking ‘how are you?’ to someone who you feel is in need of connecting. Ferocious love is about so much more than relationships. It is about the core of our being and screaming to be out there. A well known quote I’ve used in an earlier blog is: “Don’t walk behind me, I might not lead, don’t walk in front of me, I might not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

It is this years’ theme of the Transformational Presence Global Leadership Gathering: “Leading with fierce gentleness and ferocious love”. It couldn’t have been chosen better. Because that is what we need right now, leaders who set boundaries, rooted in love. So they create a safe space for you to built upon and become the best version of you. Enjoy the video!



About two wolves, choices and happy thoughts

Think happy thoughts
During our last holiday I read The Alchemist from Paolo Coelho again. It is brilliant how this book, this story, reaches you differently every time. I remember the first time I read it I didn’t really understand it all. Now the opposite was true. Everything resonated and it was one huge field of encounter. Not that I have ever been in the desert, or have been a shepherd, but this story about the recognition from the heart and the walls of illusion is just a great metaphor for life. Well, that’s probably the reason why he sold 30 million copies of it worldwide.
The boy, a shepherd, is learning how to tap into the universal language. A language unspoken, but always present. And there is only one way to tap into this language, through the heart. It is the gateway to intuition, love and awareness. Shutting off your heart means staying inside the walls of illusion, an imprisoned world that is fabricated by our minds, our thoughts.

Now lately we cannot close our eyes anymore for the terrible things happening in our world. There are big shifts going on on a macro-level. But these are actually quite the same as the challenges we face in our daily lives, or even within ourselves. That is called the principle of correspondence, one of the Hermetic principles. It says that everything that happens on one level, also occurs on all other levels. So how can we change this? Let’s start with ourselves. Again there is a beautiful Zintenz story about this subject, the one of the two wolves:

An old indian told his grandson about life. “Within me there is a fight going on”, he said to the boy. “It is a horrible fight between two wolves. The one wolf is bad. He exists from rage, jealousy, greed, conceit, lies, false pride and ego. The other wolf is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, calmness, humility, kindness, generosity and compassion. Within you the same fight rages. And that goes for each and every other living person.” The grandson was thinking for a moment and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf will win?”. The old indian smiled and answered: “The one you feed.”

If we feed ourselves with love, or, if you like to put it more down to earth, happy thoughts, you’ll be much more likely to create positive things than by thinking negative. This is a choice. And it starts with you. And because every single particle is energetically connected, you can create a movement. Don’t believe me? Watch this video. A movement of happy thoughts. Because if you put yourself in a positive state, you create a positive wave. Brains will start serving hearts instead of the other way around, keeping up the walls of illusion. So why not start today? Feed yourself with good things, let love rule and think happy thoughts!

One little light….is enough

Merry Christmas

Last week I participated in a training in storytelling. Not a ‘this is where you start, and this is how you end’ technique, no, a training in storytelling from the heart. Because, since I’m handing over more and more control, there seems to come more space in my life and yes…surprises. I never planned to go to this training, it was offered to me the day before it started as a friend couldn’t make it. I went, loving the subject…of course. So, you are my first audience ever to read a story I’ve never written, read or told before. Just for the sake of inspiration, diversity, change…there we go.
Continue reading “One little light….is enough”


stuffYesterday’s newspaper headline was: Would it help if we open up our border? The article was about the thousands of refugees trying to enter Europe. The real answer to that, in an ideal world would for sure be yes. And maybe even in this not-ideal world. But the big problem is, that we, humans, started to possess pieces of the world. Or at least thought we were allowed to arrogate pieces of the world. And yes, the Dutch people played quite a big role in that. And we are very proud of that too….Amazing actually, isn’t it?

Continue reading “Stuff”

The boardroom


Knock on that door! It was the first sentence that came to my mind while I positioned myself outside again this morning. Now today was a bit different as I wasn’t quite sure if I had to keep on doing this early morning session outside anymore. The last few weeks our son has been pretty moody and uncontrollable and I suddenly realized yesterday, the timing matched exactly with the moment I started my morning meditations and writing. The thing is, that we always cuddle a lot in the early morning. He is five years old and always sneaks into our bed around 6.00 AM. The exact time I got up these last few weeks. So yesterday, after ten minutes outside realizing this, I packed up my things and joined him for a big hug. And after that I doubted whether I should continue. I made myself a promise to keep on doing this on a daily basis, but whenever I felt like doing it. And sometimes I write, sometimes I don’t. Now this morning when I woke up, I felt I wanted to go and sit outside. So that is what I did. And what happened? Ten minutes later I heard a knock on the kitchen door. It was our son…I felt deeply moved and asked him to join me outside under my blanket. He folded himself up in my lap and told me he missed me and wanted me to be there when he woke up. It was one of those miraculous moments.

Continue reading “The boardroom”

An energy driven world


Do you know your purpose, or goal in life? It’s funny that when you look around, every animal, from insects to whales and lions seem to be serving a specific purpose. Well, except for mosquitos, I never understood what that little creature is here for but to annoy us, does anybody know?

Now I wrote about this before, asking your life what it needs from you. But do we truly realize we are here for a reason? Not just to extract the world from it’s resources, but also give something back? We have this enormous gift to bring. It’s called love. In the essence, that is what and who we are. Energy called love. We just lost track, some people not, some people a little and some people completely. It’s horrible what’s happening in the world these days. Just opening the paper or any news page and we see people killing other ones. And the worst of it all is that we can’t find a way to get through to these lost people.

Continue reading “An energy driven world”


A Sunday
Source: unknown

On this first day of Easter it makes me think of all our Sunday mornings we went to church when I was a child. Wearing our Sunday clothes, being a bit grumpy as it had put a time slot on our abundant Sunday morning breakfast. We were not going every Sunday, but the intention was to go at least once every two weeks. Pretty old fashioned you might think. The funny thing is, that now, looking back on those days that I always thought were quite boring, they were actually exactly what I needed back then. Those were the moments I really became quiet on the inside. Normally my head and thoughts were working overtime, but here I was forced to go inside, thank the people I love for their presence and care for me and be able to just ‘be’. Sometimes the tears started dripping from my eyes and I even couldn’t tell why. Sometimes I felt stuck and didn’t know what to do, but somehow this one hour in church gave me exactly what I needed to move on again.

Continue reading “Sundays”